Mr. Poet Cho Sung-Min, Doctor of Laws, is a Korean poet. He was born in Hanam, Gyeonggi-do. Cho debuted in the literary magazine Munyesajo in 2005 and is also active as a travel writer. He is currently the chairman of the board of the Continental Literary Association.
He has published poetry collections such as “Yard of Happiness,” “The Peak of Time,” “Signpost of Love,” and “The Excitement of Leaving the Road.” Additionally, he has a collection of travel essays titled “A Journey in Search of Poetry.” He received the Royal Distinguished Service Medal from the Korean government.
There is literature
There is a picture
There are hearts that never dry
It's gone for a while and then comes back again
The wind and sunlight
Whether there is an audience or not
That alley embraces even the song that seems to have been abandoned
The streets of Insa-dong shared with each other
Take your mind off it for a day
You can meet someone you like
I also like the teahouse, every prosperous day
Even if it snows and rains outside the window
Looking for peace to look back on myself
Hear the sound of a horn blowing in poetry
인사동의 일상
문학이 있고
그림이 있고
마르지 않는 가슴들이 있다
저만치 없어졌다 다시 찾아드는
바람과 햇빛은
관객이 있든 없든
버린 듯한 노래마저 껴안고
서로 공유하는 인사동 거리
하루 정도는 마음을 풀어놓고
좋아하는 사람을 만날 수 있는
찻집도 좋아 풍요로운 날마다
창밖에 눈 내리고 비 내려도
나를 돌아보는 평온을 찾아
시 속에서 경적을 울린다.
Fondato da: Francesca Gallello
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